EHR Admin


Revision as of 14:06, 12 January 2011 by Jasontan (Talk | contribs)
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Users Management

Use this section to add/edit users.

Staff Categories Management


THIRRA supports the configuration of multiple clinics sharing the same database.


Each clinic must have at least one department. Rooms, created in the Queue Section, must belong to a department.

Referral Centres

These are the referral centres that the patients can be referred to in the consultation. Every referral centre must have at least a referral person defined. If no actual person is available, you may use departments, etc. for example Emergency Ward.

Synch Data

THIRRA allows the transfer of data from offline servers to the central server.

  1. Export Patients Data
  2. Export Histories Data
  3. Export Episodes Data
  4. Import Patients Data
  5. Import Histories Data
  6. Import Episodes Data

Exporting the data is done on the mobile offline server. It creates batches in XML format.

Importing the data is done on the central server using the exported XML files.

Personal tools